On July 14 th, 2008, Xuan Mai Corp officially opened the sale of Xuan Mai 11T2 project with many attractive drawing gifts for all customers ordering apartments and attend the event.
Accordingly, customers will have the opportunity to win a special Toshiba Refrigerator S19VPP 191 liters, first prize is Panasonic ceiling fan F-56XPG, second prize air cooler Sumika SM 600, third prize is electric fan Sunhouse SHD 7112, the consolation prize is the Philips HR2108 blender, and many gifts for customers to attend.
In addition, to help customers have more time to prepare financial and reduce payment pressure, investors also apply for loans at 0% interest rate in 12 months. In cases where customers do not borrow, they will be discounted 6% of the selling price (including VAT) and directly deducted from the purchase price.

Spring 11T2 Apartment is located in the south of Xuan Mai Town, located on Ho Chi Minh Road - the National Road. With favorable transportation location, complete infrastructure system with green space, fresh, Xuan Mai 11T2 become the ideal home for all families.

Not only have the advantage of location, Xuan Mai 11T2 also scored with customers thanks to intelligent apartment design, optimal use and speed of construction progress of the investor. In addition, the system of infrastructure, internal traffic has been completed, various items of utility services have been deployed construction units are ready to hand delivery to customers. Especially, the project also devotes a lot of space for walks, small areas, outdoor playgrounds ... So, living here will be the residents enjoy pure space, quiet, to Have fun, relax, exercise every day.
In order to create favorable conditions for mid-income customers, Xuan Mai Corp continues to apply preferential policies with only 100 million dong of customers who have already owns 11T2 apartments. 3 times flexible payment and 0% interest rate support package for 12 months. In the case of non-borrowing customers will be discounted up to 6% of the apartment price (VAT included). In addition, the customers are offered 1 year management fee, the sales policy for customers buying in groups of 2 apartments or more will be reduced by 1%.
With the advantages available, Xuan Mai 11T2 not only attract customers with real needs, especially the young generation 8X, 9X families looking for a place to settle.